b'HIV TESTING AND PREVENTIONPercent of viral suppression89%17001650 88% 86% 88% 1686patients16001550 1568 1573patients patients Cone Health Regional Center 1500 1506 for Infectious Diseaseis the main 1450 patients provider of medical care for people living1400with HIV in Greensboro. They continue to add new patients and increase rates of viral suppression.Patients Dec. 31Dec. 31Dec. 31Dec. 31 Treated 2016 2017 2018 2019100% 85% 86% 91%83%80%60%40%Triad Health Projectis the only service 20% organization in Guilford County providing medical case management services for 0% people living with HIV.2016 2017 2018 2019Goal: Increase Triad Health Projects viral load suppression from 84% to 90% by 2021.CONE HEALTH FOUNDATION IMPACT REPORT 15'