b'ENCOURAGING A PROACTIVE APPROACH TO COMMUNITY HEALTHThe marketing and communications team at ConeConnected consumers to Sagewell HealthHealth developed a 2022-2023 marketing strategy that& Fitness at MedCenter Greensboro, helping to is advancing Cone Healths goal to lead, not only in theincrease by 55% the number of Sagewelltreatment of sickness, but also in the prevention of illnessmembers enjoying an expansive, state-of-the-artand disease.gym connected to personalized fitness,nutritional and wellness resources. By promoting health screenings that identify cancer and heart disease early, when these conditions can best beEncouraged people to select and see a Conetreated, and increasing engagement in fitness, nutritionalHealth primary care doctor for annualand weight management services at Cone Health, we arecheckups so they can take a proactive approachhelping to weave a tradition of health and well-being intoto their personal health and wellness. Thisthe fabric of our communities, said Chuck Wallington,campaign has contributed to strengthening newPhD, chief marketing and communications officer atpatient engagement with Cone Healths primaryCone Health.care services by 8.1% in Fiscal Year 2023. Cone Healths 2022-2023 strategic marketing campaigns:These and other select Cone Health marketing initiatives this year have directly supported the health Promoted the early detection of breast, colon and wellness needs of our community, advanced Cone and lung cancers, engaging thousands of people Healths Strategic Priorities and contributed to the across central North Carolina and southern health systems bottom line. Through strategic print, Virginia while helping to significantly increase radio, tv, online and out-of-home advertising; social mammograms, colonoscopies and lung cancer media; digital engagement; news partnerships; and screenings at Cone Health.direct mail, we proudly engage consumers, who are also our neighbors and friends, and connect them to Increased community awareness about the value health resources that can keep them well and prevent of the Heart Scan Calcium Test, contributing to illness at all stages of life.a more than tenfold increase in the use of thistest in the past year. This quick and painless scanfinds early indicators of heart disease and enables patients to create proactive care plans withtheir doctor to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease.CONE HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT23'