b'Giving ValuesPreventionAccessLooking inward:a journey to givingMae Douglas joins Cone Health and the City of Greensboroon a mission to nurture wellness in East Greensboro.On the corner of a desk,wrapped in a hard-boundthe soon-to-be-established Windsor Chavis Nocho cover of burgundy and gold, sits a journal. With colorfulCommunity Complex.tabs peeking out, it looks like the kind of well-loved book that has been with its owner for some time, written inSupported by voters in May 2022, the bond project will frequently and then returned to its spot until the next timeallow the City of Greensboro to renovate, and therefore inspiration strikes or thoughts need processing. reimagine, East Greensboros Chavis Library and Windsor Community Center as a comprehensive community The journal belongs to our friend Mae Douglas.gathering place that could change lives. Greensboro native. Successful corporate leader, now retired. Passionate community servant and advocate.For Cone Healths part, we are imagining the possibil-ities of a health hub, located within the empty space Mae is one of Cone Healths lead donors to the Healthythat becomes available when the current Chavis Library Communities campaign, an initiative to galvanizemoves to the main complex. A space that is accessible and trusted, where we can provide the type of programming that may, in fact, save a life because of early detection. Where every person can find a path forward from any health-related challenge that threatens their well-being.The possibilities here are nothing short of transformational.But back to the journal. It has a role in how we got here. Ive been on a journey about philanthropy and what it means, Mae explains. When I returned to Greensboro 10 years ago, I knew I had to create a different vision for my life because 37 years of it had been about climbing the corporate ladder. I had to figure out what I was going to do from that point forward. community members around a collaborative missionSo she began putting her thoughts to paper.to transform health right here at home. Her recent million-dollar gift will support Cone Healths visionOn Feb. 13, 2012, she wrote a personal vision statement: I for community-engaged programming, adjacent towill live a life of faitha fulfilling, peaceful and victorious life surrounded by extravagant love. 14Cone Health Philanthropy'