b'Healing gardens: green spacesdesigned to improve healthHealth isnt determined by clinical care alone. Research attributes 80% of physical wellness to diet and exercise, social and economic factorsand our environment. Studies show that spending time in nature lowers blood pressure and encourages physical activity and social interaction, creating an increased capacity for healing. Even a few minutes in nature can reduce anxiety and pain and promote relaxationwhich is why Cone Health makes a focused effort to promote natural healing spaces for our community.Aptly named Healing Gardens, these spaces embody Cone Healths commitment to improving wellness and prevention with a focus on the non-medical factors that affect health. Patients, staff and caregivers have long enjoyed the Healing Gardens at Wesley Long Cancer Center and Alamance Regional Hospitalnow we have plans to bring an outdoor healing space to Annie Penn Hospital. The Healing Garden currently under construction at Annie Penn is a peaceful green space that supports healing and wellness and enhances the sense of community around the hospital.Make a gift in support of thePhotos by Lisa Lundeen, Cone Health Cancer Center Chaplin Healing Garden at Annie Penn Hospital Contact Stokes Ann Hunt EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ANNIE PENN FOUNDATIONstokes.hunt@conehealth.comor 336.932.9892 6Cone Health Philanthropy'