b'transformingOur stories, case studies, outcomes news & updatesA note of gratitude,with thanks to Gus and Mary Magrinat Dusk begins to fall over the Cone HealthMary Magrinat, who endured breast Cancer Center as a patient wraps up acancer as a young mother, retired sev-long appointmentthe first one aftereral years ago from a successful career her diagnosis. She arrived anxious,in financial services, and now finds joy overwhelmed and fearful; the diagnosisin giving back to the cancer center that felt like a new identity she never wantedhealed herand to the community to have, a new day she never wantedshe loves. Years ago, with landscape to see. But as she shakes hands withdesigner Sally Pagliai, she devel-oncologist Dr. Gus Magrinat and nodsoped the vision to create the Healing goodbye to her oncology team, shesGardens covering two acres adjacent feeling better, clearer about whats toto Wesley Long. From the initial spark come and in control of the decisionsof inspiration to the gardens today, she that must be made. has worked with dedicated Healing Gardener volunteers who continue to She carries several sheets of paper,care for the space every Thursday.inked with the notes Dr. Magrinat wrote for her. All the information he covered,Together, Gus and Mary have an exem-he wrote down as he went.plary record of giving. Over the years, theyve supported many Cone Health It could be May 1993. October 2011. Or,initiatives, from the new cancer wing this past December, when Magrinatin 2011 to the Healing Gardens and finished the final weeks of his 30-yearannual fund drives. They are consistent career; its how he has done it for everymembers of the Cone Society. And they patient from the very beginning.speak with affection about the place If you write it down as you explain it,where Gus spent his career and where its a completely different experienceMary has worked on many projects, for the patient, Magrinat says. It forcesmost recently a gallery of Healing the doctor to go very slowly, whichGardens photography throughout is good. And it really penetrates. TheWesley Longs first floor and an outdoor patient goes home and they go over theinfusion area on the balcony overlook-notes again and again with their family. ing the gardens.Many hold on to these handwrittenWhy is Cone Health worthy of support? pieces of paper for years, some comingMary talks about the way that Cone back a decade later, when their cancerHealth treats all patients, regardless of unfortunately has returned, with histheir ability to pay. This is amazing, original notes in hand. right? Its a wonderful, wonderful thing. If you dont have transportation, A handwritten note builds connection.Cone helps you get here. If you need Magrinats notes to his patients are aan interpreter, Cone has them. Alight physical representation of who he, andIntegrative Care offers all kinds of wraphis wife Mary, are at the core. around services to make sure patientsContact Keyshia Graycan take control of their health. PHILANTHROPY OFFICER, CANCER CAREGustav Magrinat, the natural teacher,The staff here care so much, shekeyshia.gray@conehealth.orgas his wife describes him. continues. Theyre very dedicated, andor 336.264.35484Cone Health Philanthropy'