b'New Womens & Childrens Center Delivers on Moms Experience Hospital Move Completed Just Before Pandemic HitVibrant colors, abundant natural light and technology that appears only when needed are a few of the features of the new Cone Health Womens & Childrens Center at Moses Cone Hospital. The building, which opened in February, is staffed by the same doctors and nurses that thousands of families have trusted at Cone Health Womens Hospital for nearly 30 years.Our goal was to design the ideal place for one of lifes ultimate experiences, surpassing even the exceptional experience of our beloved Womens Hospital. To accomplish this tall order, Womens Hospital staff and physicians, along with dozens of former patients and community members, helped design the 195,678-sq.-ft. addition. Models of full-sized rooms were built out of cardboard to test every detail. Countless surveys were taken. Paint swatches were studied, and fabrics were touched.We wanted to know not only what people thought of a color or texture, but how it made them feel. Childbirth is a deeply emotional, personal experience. Our design captures that in the patient surroundings, by promoting privacy and by keeping our advanced technology as inconspicuous as possible. For example, labor and delivery rooms feature hidden lights that drop from the ceiling only when needed. Patient rooms have pass-throughs for meals and suppliesmeaning fewer interruptions.Our grand opening was held just days before the building would be used for its first delivery. Appropriately, pregnant women from the Cone Health service area cut the ribbon at the ceremony.34'