b'Lung cancer diagnosis and cure in a single visit North Carolina projects more deaths from lung cancer this year than from breast, prostate and colon cancer combined.Now, imagine being able to get a lung cancer diagnosis and immediate lifesaving surgery the same day. That experience is now reality for many patients at Cone Health. Thanks to new robot-assisted diagnostic and treatment capabilities led by pulmonary and thoracic physicians, patients with abnormal nodules in their lungs can have those diagnosed and removed in a single visit, achieving a full cure in many cases without need for long-term cancer therapies. These procedures are safer and less painful for patients than conventional methods, says pulmonologist Bradley Icard, DO. Cone Health physicians urge anyone with a qualifying smoking history to get a lung cancer screening. The sooner we make a diagnosis of lung cancer, the higher the probability that a patient can be cured, says pulmonologist Robert Byrum, MD.Learn more: conehealth.com/lungcancerscreening. Thoracic surgeon Harrell Lightfoot, MD, left, and pulmonologist Bradley Icard, DO, right, use robot-assisted diagnostic and surgical treatments to identify and remove lung cancer for patients in a single visit. O c t o b e r 1 , 2 0 2 1 t o S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 2 18'