b'Moving from Success to SignificanceMary Jo Cagle, MD, President and CEOCone Health is on a mission to transform health care; improve the health and well-being of our patients, neighbors and consumers; and move from success to significance. Significance is about bringing value to others. North Carolina ranks in the lower third nationally in terms of health care. When we look at the communities we serve, we see certain areas of great inequity depending on the ZIP code. In some areas, this can mean your life expectancy is 12 years shorter.Depending on your ZIP code, you could experience great inequities in income, access to care, healthy food, reliable transportation, quality education, and even access to Wi-Fi. All these things determine how healthy you are and your quality of life.Now, Cone Health cant fix all these inequitiesbut we can and must be part of the solution. Instead of focusing on caring for people when they are sick, we will focus on helping people to get and stay healthy by partnering with like-minded organizations, agencies and individuals right here in our communities. We will invite our community partners to see a future where everyone is healthy and has access to food, safe housing, transportation and educationregardless of their ZIP code. Thats the future we must focus on building. That is what significance looks like!1 O c t o b e r 1 , 2 0 2 1 t o S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 2'