b'Healthy CommunitiesVi- Anne Antrum, DNP, Andy Barrow and Valerie Leschber, MD (Enterprise Leadership Team Champions)Healthy Communities is our strategic priority that defines how Cone Health will win by measurably improving the health and well-being of all our communities and consumers, aligning our performance with their desired outcomes. In line with this priority, we have infused health equity into the care we are providing for our communities.We are using the information and data we have gathered and the skillsets we have developed to improve access to care for our community in numerous ways: Our mobile medicine and school telehealth programs have seen over 24,000 people. Our congregational nurses have helped serve the underserved, including our homeless and refugee populations,resulting in over $10 million of provided services. Sagewell Health & Fitness, one of our new medical fitness facilities, is helping people live their best lives. There are morethan 2,500 members taking advantage of this wellness program in our communities.Health equity is being further realized through our Community Health & Wellness Center, our Brito Food Program atMedCenter for Women, and other efforts. We have partnerships with our community that are helping us to address mental health issues, like our Guilford CountyBehavioral Health Center where there is no wrong door. We are working with the Greensboro Police Department toprovide summer employment options for our youth, and we are working with our academic partners to train moreclinicians locally.We will continue to convene community organizations to address things like safety, housing, security and financial literacy. We are working to reduce ED visits by connecting people with primary and specialty care regardless of their ability topay and eradicating preventable hospitalizations for things like hypertension and diabetes. This is generational changethat creates a bold future where well-being is truly woven into the fabric of our communities. O c t o b e r 1 , 2 0 2 1 t o S e p t e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 2 2 6'