AFFILIATE ORIENTATION MANUAL 21 FALLS Some patients are at risk of being significantly injured if they were to fall. Along with assessing fall risk, screening patients for injury risk is also required. Patients that meet any of the following criteria have an injury risk. The ABCDEF of Injury Risk: A = Age 85 years or older or frail due to clinical condition B = Bones Fracture risk or previous fracture as well as bone conditions that include osteoporosis, metastatic bone cancer or prolonged steroid use C = Anti-coagulation Bleeding disorders, either through use of anticoagulants or due to an underlying clinical condition (platelet count < 75, 000); does not include VTE prophylaxis D=Delirium/confusion Confused and unable to call for assistance or are unable to call for assistance E = Extensive surgery Post-surgical wounds with sutures/staples that could dehiscence; recent lower limb amputation or recent major abdominal or thoracic surgery F = Frequent falls A fall during current hospital admission or having had a history of falls at home or prior to admission Available interventions to prevent injury include: • Specialty low beds with floor mat. • Floor mat. • Safety sitter. Standards of APPEARANCE and DRESS CODE POLICY The purpose of this policy is to identify and promote a professional image among Cone Health team members as well as to ensure the highest standards of safety. General Requirements for All Staff Cone Health Issued Identification (Name) Badge • The Cone Health Badge is worn above the waist with the team member’s picture visible at all times while on Cone Health property. Please see instructions for Replacement Badge via Cone Health Worx. Hygiene and Scents • Cleanliness and personal hygiene (including but not limited to bathing/showering and dental/oral hygiene) should be maintained to avoid unfavorable odors. • For the benefit of patients, visitors and team members, no scented products or fragrances are permitted. • Team members shall not have the odor of tobacco smoke on their person or clothing when on Cone Health property. Tattoos • Visible tattoos, body art, and body marks must not be disruptive or offensive and not be in conflict with Cone Health values of Caring for Our Patients, Caring for Each Other, and Caring for Our Communities. • Tattoos in conflict with Cone Health values are to be completely and professionally covered at all times while in the work environment. T-Shirts • Cone Health team members may wear t-shirts during Cone Health events pre-approved by the Chief Nurse Executive and Vice President of Human Resources. Denim • Department leaders will use their discretion to determine if professional denim attire is appropriate for classes, meetings, non-clinical off-site locations, etc. It is not the intent of Cone Health to allow denim as everyday wear for customer facing locations. • Denim must be clean, neat, and of professional appearance (free of holes and tears).