AFFILIATE ORIENTATION MANUAL 22 PROHIBITION of HARASSMENT and other DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIORS Cone Health is committed to providing a positive work and patient care environment that is free from intimidation, hostility, harassment or violence. Harassment and other disruptive behaviors by or towards employees, physicians, patients, visitors, volunteers, vendors and agents at Cone Health are strictly prohibited. Policy It is the responsibility of both Cone Health and its affiliates to ensure the workplace is free from any form of harassment and disruptive behavior as defined above. All affiliates have a responsibility to report any harassing or disruptive behavior they witness. No leader may make sexual advances or threaten or insinuate, either explicitly or implicitly, that an affiliate’s refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect the affiliate’s employment, performance evaluation, wages, advancement, or any other term or condition of employment or career development, or that submission to sexual advances may result in additional benefits. Under North Carolina law, sexual acts between a health care affiliate and a patient, with or without consent, may constitute a felony. Such conduct will be grounds for immediate termination. Making accusations known to be false is a form of misconduct likely to result in serious impairment of Cone Health’s effort to administer this policy properly. Accordingly, such misconduct may result in corrective action, up to and including termination. Any affiliate who has a complaint or report of harassment and/or disruptive behavior by any representative or agent/affiliate (including but not limited to leaders, coworkers, patients, physicians, volunteers, visitors, vendors, contractors, interns, and students) has a duty to bring the problem to the attention of his or her leader and/or Human Resources. If the complaint/report involves someone in the affiliate’s direct line of supervision, Human Resources must be notified. All levels of leadership will be responsible for reporting any observed behaviors in violation of this policy or complaints/reports received to a representative in Human Resources immediately. All complaints or reports of harassment or other disruptive behaviors directed towards other affiliates, patients, physicians, visitors, volunteers, vendors, and agents will be investigated promptly. When the investigation discloses that violations of this policy have occurred, Cone Health will take appropriate corrective action up to and including separation of employment. Reasonable effort will be taken to resolve complaints/ reports of harassment and disruptive behavior as confidentially as possible, consistent with the need to determine the facts. If an affiliate is not satisfied with the action taken by the leader, the affiliate may refer the matter to Human Resources. Retaliation or discrimination against an affiliate for reporting or complaining about harassment/disruptive behaviors or for participating in the investigation of any related concern is prohibited.