b'HEALTHY COMMUNITIESIMPACT:Community: ThroughTeammates: Each of youCone Health: We are empathetic research wecontributes to Cone Healthwoven throughout learn what our communitiescreating healthier communities,the fabric of our need and want. in your role every day! Andcommunities.thanks for your work throughout this journey.THEMES/TACTICS:Theme 1:Theme 2: Relationships, Access & Connections are Collaborative Approach to a Healthier Community critical for Health EquityHealthy CommunitiesPartnership PrinciplesEnterprise EngagementCATCH 5 in 5 Steering Committee& Criteria Contact Center Our vision is to close the We are breakingThrough Building a path to life-expectancy gap in our downsilos andcomprehensive researchONE Cone Health. service areas by 5 years in collaborating ininvolving Cone Integration of call 5 years.new waysacrossHealth leaders, wecenter activities Building a Better You Cone Health, inhaveidentified criticalthat will provide a kickoff event series working toserve ourareas for enhancing ourconsistent experience,was held this summer, communities. strategic partnershipincreased access, and which providedresources capabilities (with ourmeaningfulfor those we serve & patients, communitiesnavigation for connected them to care.& each other). our patients and consumers.6CONE HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT'