b'FY23 NEW STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPSCone Health is committed to keeping the residents in ourNow, Cone Health cannot fix all these inequities service areas healthy and living long lives. The challenge but we can and must be part of the solution. is even greater in East and Southeast Greensboro.We areInstead of focusing on caring for people when they removing barriers to care. We know that transportation,are sick, we will focus on helping people to get living conditions, access to food and other social driversand stay healthy by partnering with like-minded can make getting care a challenge. Clinically, we haveorganizations, agencies and individuals right here focused on several disparities in health outcomes that canin our communities. It is for this reason that we are be addressed by changes within our clinical encounters. developing several strategies for this part of our community. Cone Health is tackling the lack of neighborhood doctors through our mobile medicine program. Specially equipped buses and vans make accessing diagnosis, treatment, education and support easier than it has ever been. The program offers basic acute and primary care, basic health screenings, annual wellness visits and cancer screenings. The seeds were sown during the pandemic. We partnered with churches, community centers and neighborhoods to bring testing and vaccinations to residents. The roots of those partnerships grow strong today.With Guilford County, we are forming a joint team to partner with the communitys most vulnerable members in identifyingand removingobstacles that impact their ability to get healthy and stay healthy. We will use community-based design, social innovation and other techniques to explore access to health care, access toCone Health sponsored Building a Better You event quality education, reliable transportation, safe housing,in partnership with NC A&T and more than 50 proper nutrition and other factors that influence health. community groups and organizations.12 CONE HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT'