b'May 23 Cone Health experiences a surge in social mediaDr. Gaurang Palikh of Cone Health, from Triad Neuro coverage driven by Keith Jones Leading withHospitalists, educates on the dangers of high blood Humanity webinar featured in 12 posts. Posts onpressure and offers valuable advice for reducing TytoCares webinar featuring Cone Healths Dr. Johnassociated risks, generating significant media coverage Jenkins exploring virtual cares benefits in costwith 98 articles, and reaching an audience of 10M. He reduction, staff management and continuity in remotealso emphasizes the silent threat that high blood sites, boost social media coverage, generating thepressure poses and emphasizes the significance of highest audience of 113.56M.annual medical checkups. Cone Healths 5 in 5 event landed coverage of 18M.A Facebook post on the extended hours at Cone Aug. 23Health Urgent Care at Wendover Commons, enabling Dr. Jeetu Nanda, Cone Healths chief medicalpatients to access care during evenings and weekends,information officer, elaborates on the digital healthgarners the highest engagement of 503. management capabilities of MyChart, while Dr. ShaneJune 23 Hudnall, with Cone Health Sports Medicine, sharesKate Watts, a registered dietitian at Cone Health, simple strategies to prevent sport injuries in the provides insights on making healthy choices for upcoming school year, resulting in a substantialevery meal, including breakfast, lunch and snacks. combined reach of 90.4M through extended coverageHer recommendations emphasize incorporating fruits of 100 articles across broadcast media. and vegetables into summer meals and offering Sept. 23additional dos and donts. This valuable summer Stories on health prevention led Cone Health to a advice garners significant media coverage with 100 reach of 1.1 billion. 2 Your Well Being segments on thearticles reaching an audience of 95 million. importance of regular checkups and screenings andJuly 23 another story on steps people should take to protectCone Healths Dr. Wesley ONeal participating in a themselves during the coming respiratory virus seasonsymposium hosted by HeartFlow, Inc., drives the proved popular.coverage volume, resulting in 14 articles and generatinga reach of 55M. WOOD-TV NBC (Michigan, U.S.) isthe prominent outlet to feature this story, reaching anaudience of 1M.CONE HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT39'