b'GOVERNMENT AFFAIRSIn 2023, Cone Health saw its most significantTop Government Wins in 2023legislative win in almost a decade with the passage of Medicaid Expansion and the critical HealthcareFederal:Access and Stabilization Program (HASP). These twoProtecting the 340B drug pricing programpieces of legislation will significantly impact ConeExtending telehealth coverage by MedicareHealths ability to serve our community. ExpandingDelaying harmful Medicare sequester cutsMedicaid in our state has long been a priority, ensuring affordable health care access for hundredsState:of thousands of North Carolinians. ImplementingPassing Medicaid Expansionthe Healthcare Access and Stabilization Program willPassing the Healthcare Access and Stabilizationallow Cone Health to access critical federal fundingProgramthat will increase Medicaid reimbursements closerPreventing immediate changes to the Certificateto the cost of providing care. HASP will provide aof Need programsignificant positive impact to Cone Healths financial future. Local:Annexing the new MedCenter AsheboroRecognizing governments increasing role in healthproperty into the city of Asheborocare, Cone Health is committed to expanding our engagement with our elected officials at the local, state and federal levels. In addition to hosting numerous tours in our facilities, leaders throughout the system have traveled to Raleigh and DC and have presented to several local governments on issues critical to Cone Healths future. As the Triads leading health system, Cone Health continues to partner with our government officials to ensure our community receives high-quality, affordable health care. From left to rightDr. Mary Jo Cagle, United States Senator Thom Tillis, Preston Hammock, SVP/Regional President in front of Moses Cone HospitalCONE HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT45'