b'2023 MAJOR MEDIA COVERAGEAs a leading health care organization, it is important thatJan 23Cone Health connects to the people it serves. It does thatCoverage featuring Cone Health providing through a variety of channels with stories and messagestelemedicine services in an innovative partnershipthat seek to educate, inform and inspire. Here are a fewwith Guilford County Schools drives large spikeshighlights from the past year. in volume, receiving 43 articles and generating 10M Oct. 22 in reach. The medical director of the childrens unit at Moses Feb 23Cone Hospital sounded the alarm on RSV.The Post featuring Cone Health announcing The disease returned with a vengeance, with Dr. Suresh Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital being named Nagappan calling it the worst outbreak in his whole the best hospital in the state by Business Northcareer. Cone Healths coverage generated 175 Carolina magazine for the second consecutive year,traditional media articles reaching the largest and the third time in five years, receives the audience of 135M.highest engagement.Cone Health garnered the second-highest coverage in March 23October generating 150 articles. These featured Dr. Posts about the Cone Health Mobile Program,Cynthia Snider, the Cone Health Infection Prevention which provides health screenings and services tomedical director, explaining ways to avoid COVID-19 rural communities without insurance, reaches theas the virus season reaches its peak.largest audience of 99K.Nov. 22 April 23Respiratory viruses remained high on everyones Dr. Jenna Mendelsons assessment of 6-year-old Jaxonminds in November. Cone Health reached 108K Burns for autism at Cone Healths LeBauer Behavioralpeople with coverage focusing on new visitation Medicine generates significant media coverage andpolicies to limit the spread of respiratory viruses. recognition for Cone Health. Her expertise highlightsCone Healths 30thand final Womens Only 5K the importance of early intervention for children withWalk & Run received heavy coverage in November. autism and the considerable benefits it provides.The event raised $88K for mammograms for women Cone Healths inclusion on the Forbes 2023 list ofwho are uninsured or lack the financial means to pay Best Employers for Diversity, based on team membersfor the screening and 203 traditional media articles.feedback, employee recommendations and diversityThey reached an audience of 102M.best practices, garners the highest engagement of 517.38 CONE HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT'